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Compose Quotes

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I’ve always envied people who compose music or paint, because they don’t have to be bothered with the sort of crude mess that language normally is, in everyday life and in the way we use it.  (Compose Quotes) Approaches to death and dying reveal much of the attitude of society as a whole to the individuals who compose it. The development of ideas of what constitutes a good death can even be traced to prehistory.  (Compose Quotes) Poor sleepers should endeavor to compose themselves. Tampering with empty space, stirring up echoes in pitch-black pits of darkness is scarcely sedative.(Out Of The Deep)  (Compose Quotes) I compose music because I must give expression to my feelings, just as I talk because I must give utterance to my thoughts.  (Compose Quotes) All the choir of heaven and furniture of earth - in a word, all those bodies which compose the frame of the world - have not any subsistence without a mind.  (Compose Quotes) To the free man, the country is the collection of individuals who compose it, not something over and above them.  (Compose Quotes) I compose music for films, and by the grace of God, I’ve got a few awards. That’s it.  (Compose Quotes) It’s always a pleasure when you can compose guitar parts from a strong vocal and not just put the melody on top of guitar riffs.  (Compose Quotes)
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